The Lennon Sisters did indeed record a version of the song “Mississippi Mud.” Here’s some information about the song and their rendition:

Original Song and Genre:

  • “Mississippi Mud” is a classic jazz standard composed in 1928 by James Cavanaugh, Harry Barris, and Jimmy Dorsey (credited under the pseudonym “Joe Trent”).
  • The original lyrics contained a racial slur, but most modern versions, including The Lennon Sisters’, have revised lyrics to be more inclusive.

The Lennon Sisters’ Version:

  • While there isn’t a confirmed release date for The Lennon Sisters’ version of “Mississippi Mud,” it likely appeared on one of their numerous albums during the 1950s or 1960s.
  • Given their style, their rendition was likely a sweet and upbeat take on the song, featuring their signature close harmonies and playful delivery.


  • Finding The Lennon Sisters’ version of “Mississippi Mud” might require some searching. It likely wouldn’t be available on streaming services due to licensing rights for older recordings.
  • You might have better luck finding it on older compilation albums or vinyl records featuring The Lennon Sisters’ music.

Here are some alternative ways to experience “Mississippi Mud”:

  • You can find recordings by other artists on streaming services or YouTube. Popular versions include those by Bing Crosby and Bix Beiderbecke, The McGuire Sisters, or Ray Charles.
  • Search online archives or libraries for recordings of the song.

Hopefully, this information helps you learn more about The Lennon Sisters’ version of “Mississippi Mud” and the song itself!

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